
Don’t Be Fooled and Mislead

Consultants in any field are a dime a dozen. But to find help and support from seasoned professionals, people who have been in the fitness industry for over forty years, that can be hard to come by.

So, what does a fitness facility do to ensure they have the very best possible chance for success and aren’t being fooled and mislead? Here is the answer. Be better than the other fitness facilities by joining an association that will provide you with daily support and access to seasoned fitness professionals and all their resources at a cost that anyone can afford.

Whether you're new to the fitness industry or a veteran, all of us need access to experts to discuss our special needs and daily challenges.

If you are a member of a fitness trade association, ask yourself the following questions and decide if you are really benefiting.

 When was the last time you spoke to someone about your day-to-day challenges?

  Was the information you received prepared by a season professional or by an employee who has never owned a business or been in the fitness industry?

  Did you get the impression that your association is more concerned about money rather than helping you?

If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then guess what. You’re not benefiting! So don’t be fooled and mislead any longer, and start benefiting today by contacting the right association and fitness professionals to get the help you need.

You should be looking for an association that can provide you with true benefits - benefits that you can measure and count on from seasoned professionals who have been in the trenches, negotiated with the landlords, solved maintenance issues, trained staff, handled member problems and suggestions, come up with the promotions, solved staff problems, designed the systems, forms, videos, negotiated with creditors, and more.

This experience and expertise is available; you’ve just been looking in the wrong place and spending your money to feel you’re a part of something bigger. Remember, bigger doesn’t always mean better. If you’ve been down this road, then you’ll understand what I’m trying to convey. If you’re not a member of a fitness trade association, you need to be . . . but with the right association.

This brings me to Global Fitness Association, located in Clayton, California, with Regional Offices in Lincoln, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Created by several fitness professionals with over 40 years in the fitness industry, our team of fitness industry veterans has been assisting small to large fitness center owners, managers, and other fitness professionals across the country.

As owners and managers that contribute to the industry's success in your own way, you also share a collective responsibility to "do the right thing" and should reach out for help when in need. We understand it’s lonely at the top, and encourage you to seek professional advice when in doubt. That’s where Global Fitness Association comes in.

For only $29.00 per month, quit anytime you like, you can receive the best resources and support to be found in the fitness industry.

Below are a few of our most popular features:

Consultation Service – Meet for up to one hour free every month with seasoned fitness professionals (40 years and counting).

Monthly Blog Postings – You'll receive our popular monthly Blog postings every month, which will keep you up-to-date with the latest in fitness center operations, staff training material, marketing ideas, promotional material, and more.

Lease Negotiations – Believe it! The landlord always has the upper hand, and without professional help you could be asking for trouble without knowing it. There are five times in your business life when you may need us to get involved with your landlord. After working with landlords across the country for over forty years, we have developed several successful strategies and techniques that can really help.

Your Internet Footprint - Improve It Today – Do you know how your business appears across the internet? Through our research, we have found 85% of the gyms in this country contain inaccurate information online. So where does your gym stand online? Find out for free with our online visibility Report Card. Give us a call today.

Online Video Training, Workbooks, and Testing – Learn the best techniques for membership sales, service, leadership, and human relations.

GFA e-Marketing – Get your branding/advertising message out to prospective members at a price that can’t be beat with access to over 250 million opt-in email addresses.

For more information on the above topics and many more, visit our website at

Global Fitness Association, created by fitness professionals with over 40 years in the fitness industry, has emerged as the number one resource in the industry. Can you really learn something from a bunch of fitness industry veterans? We think so. Give us a call today at 925-672-4800.

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