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The following documents can be copied and pasted into your word processor and easily modified to meet your specific needs. They should be used as a guide and modified to meet your company policies and procedures, including the laws in your state or country. If you feel uncomfortable making modifications to these documents and forms, please seek the advice of an attorney or accountant.
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------ Document 1 of 7 ------
Memo of Understanding
(Master Classes)
As detailed in your membership contract, masterclasses are not included in the price of the membership. An additional fee must be paid for use of this service. However, to avoid paying the per-visit cost for these classes and to give you priority registration, your monthly dues will be increased to $_________ per month to cover the cost of the below indicated service requested. This additional fee can be paid only through our Easy Payment Program along with your normal monthly dues.
Master Classes – By participating in this program, you will be allowed unlimited visits to the masterclasses on a monthly basis, subject to following the posted rules and regulations that cover the master class schedule. The increase in your monthly dues is:
$15.00 Unlimited Master Classes.
$20.00 Unlimited Super Master Classes.
You can cancel this agreement for additional services with 30 days’ written notice. Such notice shall be sent to [Company], Street, City, State, Zip. Upon our receipt of said notice, the fee for masterclasses will be discontinued and your monthly dues will resume to the rate as detailed in your membership contract.
There will be no refunds on any unused services, and services cannot be transferred or sold to a non-member.
This agreement is made and entered this ____ day of __________ 20____
by and between ___________________________ member #__________ and [Company].
Member’s Signature
------ Document 2 ------
Articles To Bring On Your First Visit
1.) Membership Card - Every time you enter the club, you will be required to run your membership card through the scanner. Please make sure you bring your card with you on each visit.
2.) Exercise Clothing - Suitable clothing is to be worn. Street clothes are not permitted in the exercise area. Leotards, tights, sweat suits, gym shorts and t-shirts are allowed.
3.) Foot Wear - Appropriate shoes or foot covering must be worn at all times. If you are participating in a Group Exercise Class, please consider a good pair of support shoes.
4.) Towel - Please consider bringing two towels, one for use in the equipment area or aerobic class and one for drying off after showering.
5.) Lock - Either a combination lock or a padlock is acceptable for your day locker. Your lock must be removed when you leave because locker space will be needed for other members.
Other Things You Should Know
Treadmill/Stairmaster Reservations - Don’t forget that you must sign up to use the Treadmills and Stairmasters. There is a sign-up book at the front desk and the rules and regulations are posted in the front section of the book.
Changing Booths - Changing booths are provided for your convenience. Please do not leave clothing or valuables in the booths. They should be locked in a locker. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles.
Guest Privileges - You may bring as many guests as you wish, but the same person can come only once a month and no more than three times a year. All guests must be at least 18 years of age and at all times must be under the guidance of the club staff.
If you have any questions concerning the above, please feel free to contact the club staff and they will be happy to assist you.
“Remember, it’s not what you do all at once that counts… it’s what you do over a long period of time that really matters.”
------ Document 3 ------
(Please print or type)
Patient's Name ____________________________________________________________________
Diagnosis and concurrent conditions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
When did symptoms first appear or accident happen? _____________________________________
When did patient first consult you for this condition? _______________________________________
Nature of surgical procedure, if any? (Please describe fully) Date? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In your opinion can patient use the following:
Lifecycle (stationary bike)
__________ Abdominal Board (firm & tone) __________
Treadmill (walking machine)
__________ Aerobic Classes (low impact) __________
Stairmaster (stepping machine)
__________ Step Classes (beginner level) __________
Leg Press (leg conditioner)
__________ Whirlpool (104 degrees) __________
Dorsi Bar (tones back & posture)
__________ Sauna (160 degrees - dry heat) __________
How long do you feel patient will be unable to use any part of our program or facilities?
From _________________________ To _________________________
In your opinion is patient permanently disabled? Yes __________ No __________
Doctor's signature _________________________________ Date __________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________ Zip ______________ Phone ____________________
------ Document 4 ------
I hereby authorize my employer to directly deposit my pay in the bank account(s) listed below in the percentages specified. (If two accounts are designated, deposits are to be made in whole percentages of pay to total 100%.) I have attached a voided check or deposit slip for each account specified below. This authorization is to remain in force until the company has received written authorization from me of its termination or change.
Also, I grant [Your Company] the right to correct any Electronic Funds Transfer resulting from an erroneous overpayment by debiting my account to the extent of such overpayment.
Telephone: ( ) _____________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date:
Company Use Only: Effective Date
Account #1 Checking Savings (Check only one)
Financial Institution:
Street Address:
City, State and Zip Code:
Telephone: ( ) ________________
Personal Account Number:
Percent of pay to be deposited into this account: _________ %
Bank/ABA Number:
Account #2 Checking Savings (Check only one)
Financial Institution:
Street Address:
City, State and Zip Code:
Telephone: ( ) ________________
Personal Account Number:
Percent of pay to be deposited into this account: _________ %
Bank/ABA Number:
------ Document 5 ------
Membership Contract Info / Sample Wording
A contract is a legal document binding you and another party to certain obligations - and when you're a small business owner, making one tiny mistake in drafting a membership contract could mean the end of your business or big problems with the district attorney.
Before you sit down to create a membership contract, take some time to learn the most common mistakes fitness center owners make when they're drafting a membership contract and review some sample language.
Mistake #1: Being unprepared. Don't start writing the contract until you have all the information you need. Research the laws in your state or country. Write an outline of all relevant facts, figures, and data: costs, due dates, obligations, responsibilities, "what ifs," etc.
Mistake #2: Not calling it a "membership contract." This may seem simple, but in court, one word could make the difference between a document that's legally binding and one that's merely seen as an agreement. Put the word "Contract" right at the top.
Mistake #3: Being too general. Membership contracts require you to be as specific as possible to avoid any disputes later on -- especially when it comes to payment terms. How much is owed? When is it due? What happens if the payment is not made on time? Is the payment contingent on any factors? Everything must be spelled out in the smallest detail. This process applies to everything in the membership contract. Don't assume anything. And don’t forget to make reference to additional terms and rules and regulations.
Mistake #4: Confusing wording. Make your sentences as short and clear as possible. Leave out the jargon in your first draft (your attorney can add that later). Stick to straightforward wording, and write numbers in both number form and word form (e.g., "six (6)"). Also, be consistent in your wording: Don't call your products "services" in one sentence and "membership" in another. Finally, define all terms you think might be confusing or need clarification.
Mistake #5: Rushing through the drafting stage. Yes, you may be in a hurry to get started on enrolling all those new members, but because the membership contract is such an important document, it's crucial not to rush through the process. Picture yourself in court with one of your members. What issues might come up? What is the membership contract missing that could prove your case?
Sample Language for Membership Contract & Additional Rules & Regulations
I agree to abide by this agreement, including the "Additional Provisions" on the backside of this agreement along with the "Additional Rules and Regulations" that are posted and in effect at ______________. I acknowledge that reasonable changes in operating procedures and schedules may be made from time to time.
RETURNED ITEM CHARGE: If any payment is rejected by my bank I will pay ___________________ or its representative a return item charge of $10.00.
NON-PAYMENT: If any payment becomes 60 days past due I realize my entire unpaid balance will become immediately due and payable. I shall be liable for all collection costs, court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
ATTENDANCE: My failure to use ____________________ facilities will not relieve me of my obligation to make my payments as outlined herein.
FULL UNDERSTANDING: I acknowledge, no one working for ________________________________ has made any promises to me that are not written into this agreement.
Additional Provisions (Backside of Membership Contract)
All special requests must be made in writing and mailed to: _____________________
The following as set forth is part of the Membership Agreement and members are obligated to observe and comply with the same. All special requests must be in writing and approved by the Main Office for your request to take effect. All correspondence must be received at the above address by the 10th of any month in order to have any action taken the proceeding month.
MEMBERSHIP CARDS: Every time you enter the club, you will be required to run your membership card through the scanner. If someone else is caught using your card there will be a charge of $50.00 assessed. There is a $10.00 replacement fee for lost or stolen cards. Any misuse of membership card will subject member to of cancellation of membership.
ADDITIONAL SERVICES: The use of the tanning room, childcare, yoga and any other additional services are not included in the price of the Membership. An additional fee must be paid for use of these services. _____________________ may change the fee for these services from time to time without notice. There will be no refunds on services not used and services cannot be transferred or sold to a non-member.
MEMBERSHIP HOLD/FREEZE: If your request is due to a temporary physical disability and you submit a physician's report you will not be charged monthly dues during your membership hold. Request must be for a minimum of one (1) month, not to exceed six (6) months. Upon completion of your membership hold your monthly dues will resume at the rate outlined in your Membership Agreement.
RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP: If your membership is scheduled to renew automatically after the initial term of the contract, your monthly dues will continue at the rate mentioned in the renewal section on a month-to-month basis. The amount of the monthly dues as quoted in the renewal section may be increased after the initial term of the contract to reflect any increase in the club's operating expenses. Increases shall not exceed ten percent per year, and members will be given a thirty-day notice, which shall be posted at the club. Member may cancel renewal agreement by giving a thirty-day written notice and returning their membership card. Such notice shall be sent to: ____________________________________. If your monthly dues have been prepaid on a regular membership, member must complete a Renewal Application within thirty days of their expiration date in order for the club to honor the renewal rate. Member renewing after thirty days would be subject to the prevailing rates.
CONVERTIBILITY: Upon request, your Regular Membership may be converted to a lower dues Regular Membership. The time that has expired on the original membership will be subtracted from the new membership agreement. Requests received prior to the 10th of the month wil1 take place the following month, providing all dues and fees are current.
(A.) EARLY CANCELLATION: If for any reason, other than moving or physical disability, you want to cancel your membership during your minimum term as set forth in this contract, you will be charged a $50.00 cancellation fee and an additional $10.00 for each month remaining on your membership term. The total of these two (2) amounts must be paid in full in order for the early cancel1ation to take effect.
(B.) MOVE OUT OF AREA CANCELLATION: Your move must be more than 25 miles from a _______________________ or an Affiliate club location. You must send __________________________ verification of your new address (i.e. copy of lease agreement or utility bill), along with a $50.00 cancellation fee. If you have prepaid any dues payments (excluding registration fee), we will promptly send you a prorated refund. I f you are making monthly payments, all dues and fees must be current at the time of your request.
(C.) DEA TH OR DISABILITY: If you die or become disabled and cannot receive all the services you have contracted for, you or your estate will be relieved of further obligation for dues payments other than those received prior to your death or disability. If you have prepaid any dues payments (excluding registration fee), _________ __________________________ will promptly send you or your estate a refund. To qualify for a disability cancellation, your disability must be of a permanent nature and prevent you from using any of the _________________________ facilities and your condition must be verified by physician's report.
VALUABLES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: ___________________ will not be liable for the loss, theft or damage to your personal items left on premises. ______________________ provides lockers for day use only and you are required to bring your own lock. __________________ reserves the right to cut off any locks left on lockers overnight and dispose of any items left inside.
MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES: _____________________ may be temporarily closed for periods of up to two weeks each year for maintenance purposes. Should the facilities be unavailable for members use at any other time, due to damage by fire, act of God, catastrophe, accident or other reason beyond the control of _______________________, the membership term will be extended for a period equal to the time of such unavailability.
WARRANTY OF PHYSICAL FITNESS: ______________________ encourages all members to obtain a physical examination from their doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any exercise classes. The use of ________________________ facilities, services and equipment shall be at your sole risk and responsibility. _______________________ will not be liable to you for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, or actions arising out of the use of your ___________________________ membership.
------ Document 6 ------
New Member Letter
Dear Member:
Congratulations on your membership to [Company Name].
With our [00] years of experience, expert staff, and state-of-the-art equipment, we are proud to provide the finest fitness center in [Town / City]. [Company Name] has attained a distinction of success with its members because we listen to our members and strive to provide for their wants and needs.
If at any time you feel you are lacking in knowledge of any phase of your program, please feel free to ask one of our Instructors; they are here to assist you.
We hope that you will take advantage of the many benefits to be derived from our facilities and services.
[Contact Person]
[Company Name]
P.S. Please be sure to visit our website at [your website goes here] for class schedules, newsletters, and more.
------ Document 7 ------
The following rules and regulations as set forth are part of the Membership Agreement and member is obligated to observe and comply with the same (subject to reasonable changes without notice). All correspondence must be received at the Club’s address by the 10th of any month in order to have any action taken the succeeding month. Other rules and regulations appear on the back of your contract.
HOURS: The Club hours are posted on the premises. These times are subject to reasonable adjustments and may be changed for holidays, special occasions, or maintenance purposes at the discretion of the Club management. The scheduled times for group instruction are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice.
SIGNING IN: All members upon entering the club are required to scan in with their membership card. Members from time to time may be asked to furnish additional identification for verification of membership authenticity.
GUEST PRIVILEGES: Members may bring their friends and/or relatives for guest visits that shall include use of all services offered. However, members can bring the same guest only once a month for a maximum of three times a year. All guests must be at least 18 years of age and at all times must be under the guidance of Club staff. Each guest must complete a Guest Registration and must sign in on the Guest Sign In sheet every visit. Out of area and/or unsupervised guests will be charged [$X.00] per visit.
EXERCISE CLOTHING: All members are required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the activity in which they are engaging. Leotards, tights, sweat suits, gym shorts, and t-shirts are all acceptable for exercising and aerobics, but street clothes/shoes and jeans are not. Swimsuits are required when using the sauna or the whirlpool, and showers are required before entering.
CONDITIONING FLOOR RULES: For uniformity and safety, members are not allowed to follow their own program unless they have approval from Club staff. It is expected that all members will put equipment back in its proper place after using it. If equipment is found to be malfunctioning, please bring it to the immediate attention of Club staff. Members may not use free weights on machines or lay free weights on carpet or benches. As a courtesy to others, members should wipe off benches after use. Members should not linger on the equipment because other members may want to use it. If there is a sign-up list for the use of the equipment (i.e., StairMasters/treadmills) and a maximum time limit on its use, Club staff expects all members to follow the rules. If there is a conflict over use, Club staff will resolve it.
SPA AREA RULES: Members must shower before entering the sauna or whirlpool. While using spa amenities, members must wear a swimsuit. Lotions, creams, and sponges are not allowed in the sauna or whirlpool. As a safety measure, use of water or liquids on the sauna rocks is prohibited.
LOCKERS: Lockers are available on a daily basis only. The club staff suggests that members use a lock to protect valuables. All items must be removed from the locker after each workout. Items left in the locker overnight will be removed, and the club assumes no liability for such items. Changing booths are provided. Members should not leave clothing or valuables in the booths as they are for the use of all members. Clothing and valuables should be secured in a locker for their protection and safety.
TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON: The person membership is transferring to must be at least 18 years of age. That person will be required to sign a new membership agreement and agree to take over the remaining minimum payment obligation, provide new banking information, and pay a [$XX.00] card and processing fee. If the leaving member’s account is paid in full, the person receiving the remaining contract time will be required to pay only the card and processing fee.
USE OF OTHER CLUBS: If a member travels or moves to another area, the Club will provide a list of affiliate clubs. Members can usually attend affiliate clubs for up to thirty (30) days without permanently transferring. If the member is moving or if the visit is more than thirty (30) days, the member will need to contact the affiliate club management to request a permanent transfer. Upon a member’s permanent transfer to an affiliate club, the members’ minimum monthly dues will continue to be paid to the Club as scheduled in the membership agreement.
NO ALCOHOL, DRUGS, STEROIDS, OR SMOKING: Members can not use the facilities or engage in any activity on Club premises while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication. Also, we do not permit alcohol, illegal drugs, or steroids in our facilities. Besides the health hazards of steroid use, it is illegal to aid or abet in the unlawful sale, use, or exchange of anabolic steroids, testosterone, and human growth hormones. In keeping with good health, we do not permit smoking in our facilities.
FOOD AND BEVERAGES: Members can not take or consume food or beverages in the facilities. Water in an appropriate container is acceptable.
PERSONAL TRAINING: We do not permit personal training without prior written consent from us. Any and all requests must be made to the Main Office.
CONDUCT: The Club does not tolerate any inappropriate conduct on its premises. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, using loud, abusive, offensive, insulting, demeaning language or profanity or any conduct that harasses or is bothersome to members or staff.
VIOLATION OF RULES: If any member fails to follow the rules and regulations, the violation may result in the cancellation of membership privileges.
INJURY OR ACCIDENT: Any member or guest injuries or accidents must be reported immediately to the manager. An accident report will be completed and will be filed at the Main Office.
NURSERY: As an additional service for our members, childcare is offered during specific times throughout the day. This service is provided as a benefit to our members and is not intended to be a full-service, licensed day care facility. Our main purpose is to provide a safe, convenient, and pleasant place for members’ children to play while members use the Club’s facilities. The use of the nursery service is not included in the price of the membership, and an additional fee must be paid for use of this service. We may change the fee for this service from to time without notice. There will be no refunds on unused services, and services cannot be transferred or sold to a nonmember. A copy of the nursery hours and rules will be provided upon request.
SUNTANNING: As an additional service to our members, tanning beds are offered by appointment only. Use of the tanning beds is not included in the price of the membership, and an additional fee must be paid for use of this service. We may change the fee for this service from time to time without notice. There will be no refunds on unused services, and services cannot be transferred or sold to a nonmember. A copy of the suntanning rates and rules and regulations will be provided upon request.
YOGA CLASSES: As an additional service for our members, Yoga classes are offered during specific times throughout the week. The use of the Yoga classes is not included in the price of the membership, and an additional fee must be paid for use of this service. We may change the fee for this service from time to time without notice. There will be no refunds on unused services, and services cannot be transferred or sold to a nonmember. A copy of the Yoga class schedule and rates will be provided upon request.
OTHER ADDITIONAL SERVICES: From time to time, other additional services may be made available to our members. Specific times and dates will be posted. These additional services are not included in the price of the membership, and an additional fee may need to be paid by the member in order to participate.
If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the above rules and regulations, please feel free to ask one of the staff.
------ Document 8 ------