Member Relations

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Cancellation Request (Declined)

Dear Member,

We have received your recent letter concerning your cancellation request. In order to treat all of our members equitably, [State] law requires that all cancellation requests be in writing within [0] days from the date the contract was signed.

We have pulled your membership contract, and it clearly indicates that the membership term is for a minimum of twelve (12) months and renews automatically after the initial term on a month-to-month basis.

Because your request was received well beyond the [0] days cancellation period and is being handled by an outside billing company, we are sorry to inform you that your request must be denied and all payments are due and payable as detailed in your membership contract. The soonest a cancellation request could be made would be on [Date the contract expires]. Please submit such a request to [appropriate address here].

If you have notified your bank to discontinue your automatic payment arrangement, please contact your bank and instruct them to continue making the payments per your contract to avoid any late charges or credit reporting.

Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter.


[Company Name]

c.c. Member Services

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Cancellation Request (No Request Received)

Dear Member,

As per your request, enclosed please find a copy of your membership contract. I have highlighted the areas that should help you become more familiar with your membership and renewal.

As I mentioned to you on the phone, no such cancellation request has been received by you and all payments have continued as detailed in the agreement you signed.

If in fact, you would like to cancel your membership, please comply with the contract and send us a 30-day cancellation notice and return your membership card. If the card has been lost, please indicate so in your letter.

Upon receiving your request, we will instruct [billing company} to discontinue any further automatic payments.

Your prompt attention concerning this matter will be greatly appreciated.


[Company Name]

c.c. Member Services

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Ten Steps To Public Relations

1. SPEAK TO PEOPLE - There is nothing so nice as a cheerful word of greeting. 

2. SMILE AT PEOPLE - It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile. 

3. CALL PEOPLE BY NAME - The sweetest music to anyone's ears is the sound of his own name. 

4. BE FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL - If you would have friends, be a friend. 

5. BE CORDIAL - Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure. 

6. BE GENUINELY INTERESTED IN PEOPLE - You can like almost everybody if you try. 

7. BE GENEROUS WITH PRAISE - Cautious with criticism. 

8. BE CONSIDERATE WITH THE FEELINGS OF OTHERS - There are usually three sides to a controversy; yours, the other fellow's, and the truth. 

9. BE ALERT TO GIVE SERVICE - What counts most in life is what we do for others. 

10. ADD TO THIS a good sense of humor, a big dose of patience, and a dash of humility, and you will be rewarded many-fold.

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