The following Preferred Vendors are endorsed by Gym Resources and Global Fitness Association as quality vendors and supporters of the fitness industry. We recommend that you allow them to serve you and offer you the best information and prices available.
How Can I Get My Company Listed?
We would be happy to list your company's as a preferred vendor. If you have a product or service you would like to see listed, all we ask in return is that you continue to give our members quality service and the best pricing available. Your preferred vendor listing will be seen by thousands of fitness professionals who visit our website monthly, read our fitness related articles, and access other services and helpful information that is available. Call 925-672-4800 for more information and get started today.
Your vendor listing is absolutely "free" for the first three months with a one year commitment. Your total cost is $79.00. That's an average cost of $5.26 per month to have exposure to thousands of individuals interested in the fitness industry. Upon expiration, a guaranteed $79.00 annual fee will be assessed. As a courtesy, an invoice reflecting this amount will be forward to your email address. Should you wish to discontinue your listing, please notify us at
Preferred Vendor Listing
(Click on a company name below for product information and pricing.)