
Cancellation Categories

The goal of any fitness center should be to minimize the cancellations they receive on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. In order to do this, your staff needs to be properly informed, and trained on your expectations. Below, please find the most common reasons for cancellations, along with a few ideas on what you and you staff can say or do to minimize the attrition.

Cancellation Categories         

Move Out of Area - Not much you can do . . . but ask for proof of their move especially if they're still within their contract period.

Medical - Not much you can do about their medical condition . . . but ask them to have their physician complete a Physicians Verification Form (see enclosed). If they're still in contract with the club consider lowering their dues to $10 per month to keep their account active. In addition, set their dues to start at the regular rate at an agreed to date no longer than six months.

Not Using Facility - This is where you can score some points . . . by offering them a $50 to $100 credit at the cafe and/or free personal training if they get their butt back in the facility and start working out again. Push to schedule a time they can see a trainer and get them back in. Remember, they’re pissed off because they are paying for something they are not using. Your job is to show some type of compassion or understanding and meet them half way if needed.

Can't Afford - This is where you can score some points . . . by offering them a reduced dues for an agreed to time period. Consider lowering their dues by one half their normal dues amount could possible save the member.

Lost Job / Unemployed - This is where you can score some points . . . by offering them a reduced dues for an agreed to time period. Consider lowering their dues by one half their normal dues amount could possible save the member.

For more information on this subject, give us a call at 925-672-4800 and we will gladly do our best to answer your questions. You can also visit our website at www.globalfitnessassociation.com/info for more information. 

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