2. SMILE AT PEOPLE - It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile.
3. CALL PEOPLE BY NAME - The sweetest music to anyone's ears is the sound of his own name.
4. BE FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL - If you would have friends, be a friend.
5. BE CORDIAL - Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure.
6. BE GENUINELY INTERESTED IN PEOPLE - You can like almost everybody if you try.
7. BE GENEROUS WITH PRAISE - Cautious with criticism.
8. BE CONSIDERATE WITH THE FEELINGS OF OTHERS - There are usually three sides to a controversy; yours, the other fellow's, and the truth.
9. BE ALERT TO GIVE SERVICE - What counts most in life is what we do for others.
10. ADD TO THIS a good sense of humor, a big dose of patience, and a dash of humility, and you will be rewarded many-fold.
For more information on this subject, give us a call at 925-672-4800 and we will gladly do our best to answer your questions. You can also visit our website at www.globalfitnessassociation.com/info for more information.
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